Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Site Review ~ - Lets not do this.

So I finally took the time to checkout

This is what I understand about this site... appears to be a host site (Kinda like Ebay) which allows various vendors, sellers etc to post their own sites and or goods for sale and trade. The problem I see with this site is that there are no policing systems in place to ensure that sellers are providing the goods or services that they advertise. In truth there would be no way to actually have a policing system in place because they cannot legitimately condone the sales of counterfiet (i.e replica) goods.
 But that is not our problem. Is it?

There are sellers that import their auctions from Ebay and that do have ebay ratings...but there can be no legitimate positive rating from ebay for what we want...

Anyway...I don't think there is any deal, or exclusive item that would actually make it ok for me to order from any of the sellers on this site.

Thats not to say that there are not legitimate sellers, nor am I saying that you cannot find some good stuff on here. There is just basically no way to determine which sellers are trustworthy and which are not.

The nature of the goods we are looking for anway is unpredictable....

So I would say NO to But thats just me and my opinion.

What do you guys think?